
Jonathan Edwards – Jonathan-e.com

Jonathan Edwards is an illustrator who amongst working for clients such as the Guardian and producing a cd cover for the Black Eyed Peas has also produced a 3D model of a character he developed from scratch. He walked us through this process which moved from the design of 3d models through the editing an manufacturing. It was an interesting, elaborate but drawn out process that completely put me off that particular aspect of design work, despite it’s clear financial upsides.

When he talked about his illustrative working process  he spoke about how you should constantly challenge yourself, and always try and raise the bar for yourself.

Wendy Rees

Wendy works for the BBC and came in to talk about obtaining and maintaining jobs, not just within the BBC but in general. She made some interesting points regarding how being flexible with your time will go a long way in helping you secure a position within a company as well as making sure you show your passion for the work and showing a consistent level of quality of work in your portfolio and professional working manner.


Karen Cheung – karencheung.co.uk

Karen Cheung is an illustrator and animator who has worked with such clients as Peugeot, Penguin Books and the Paramount Comedy Channel. Throughout the talk she detailed her working methods and talked about the age appropriate content regulations for childrens books. The most important thing I took away from her lecture was the importance of finding an agency that will help you rather than hinder you. She spoke very positively of the agencies she had personally worked with and told us that the general average cut of an agency will be roughly 30%, but that they are worth working with as they will bring the work in for you.

Dave Newell

Dave Newell is an illustrator and graphic designed who currently works for Multibrands (http://www.multibrands.eu.com/) and has a long and varied career stretching from professionally airbrushing garage doors to designing playstation game covers. He talked to us quite personally about his career and focussed quite heavily on an issue he encountered when producing work for a clothes show in Birmingham, where he was accused of plagiarizing another artist. With this he brought about the issue of copyright and explained how to defend yourself against accusations such as this, mainly speaking about keeping a hold of all the rough work that leads to any finalised pieces.

Overall the lecture was very interesting and it was nice to hear a personal story about an illustrator rather than one heavily endowed with professional stories.

Just been watching the season finale to Castle and as it turns out, Carlo Pagulayan has done the cover to the Marvel/ABC crossover Castle : Derek Storm comic book/graphic novel.  Co written by Bendis with interior art by Lan Medina.

Check out the cover!

Interior Artist Lan Medina’s work can be found here http://www.comiconart.com/LanMedina.html

Greg Capullo…

This guys double page spread is fantastic, look at the energy her portrays in his work. As always I prefer the pencilled pages over the final products, there’s just something more free about them.

Rudy Vasquez

I haven’t looked at Rudy’s work in quite a while which is nice as now there’s a massive stack to look through.

I thought I’d share a couple of my favourites with you.

You can see his brilliant pencils over at his deviantart page.


Just got them scanned so here they are.


I love the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen image, nice linework.

Project work…

is to come, I have to get it all scanned in the next couple of days and then it’ll all be up.


Magazine Brief

Ok, these are the spreads I put together for the magazine brief. The idea behind the magazine which myself and Phil decided to call ‘Rendered’ was to provide tutorials regarding rendering techniques for traditional comic book artists. I don’t think they came out too badly although we probably could have spent more time on the layouts of the pages and perhaps opened up to a variety of themes throughout the issue instead of just the tutorials but other than that I’m happy with it.